
Here's hoping ...

Good grief.

I sure hope I turn out to be a "real" writer - because if I'm not, then I'm the laziest woman who ever lived. I have just looked up at the clock and realized that I have been writing for about six hours today, and I finally feel like I can take a break without forgetting some piece of the story that needs to get in there before it escapes me.

I have been at the computer all day. I now also realize that a large mug of soup was an insufficient lunch, I haven't had any water today, and it is time for me to have been done with a lot of things that didn't get done around here.

Lordy, lordy, I hope this is a story when I'm done with it.

33 pages and counting - I'll have to think about this next part while I do something in the way of some kind of housework.

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