
Apocalypse ... now???

Flock of 100 Vultures Eats Live Cows in Spain in Rising Phenomenon

No kidding. That's the headline. For real.

MADRID, Spain — A flock of some 100 vultures killed a cow and her newborn calf, the latest in a series of attacks in which carrion-eaters get so hungry they set upon on live animals, a Spanish farmer's union said Thursday.

Okay ... so ... we've got too many vultures, and not enough pollinating honey bees ... um ... Moses? Are you writing this down?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As one reads through the theories about the possible cause of the disappearance of the bee colonies, it is sure easy to see parallels ... stress and bad nutrition for starters ... with modern Americans. Demographers are concerned that baby-boomer and subsequent generations will be less healthy than the WWII generation. Something to think about.