
I always liked it here ...

Ever do that? Go back to a place you remembered, wondering whether it was what you remembered it to be? Go back, when you thought you'd left it pretty much completely and forever? That's my today. Today, so far, for the first time in ... um ... a few years, actually ...

I've talked to all three of my kids. One keeps calling for Google information. ("So, I'm at this corner, and I can't find that place. Google it for me? Tell me how to get there.") One was on the instant messenger thingy. One called and said, "Are you busy in the middle of the day tomorrow? I was thinking you could meet me after my last final and we could go to lunch."

I think it's been about three years - maybe more than that - since I talked to all three kids on the same day when it wasn't Christmas or something. I remember this place. It's a little dizzying, but I did always like it here ...

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