
Negative Calorie Chocolate Cake

Betty Crocker Calories per serving


Replace the oil with a banana


Saving oven energy and using microwave instead


Saving time (10 minutes in micro vs. 40 in the oven)


Not having to look up a fancy recipe


For using up the ripe smushy banana - instead of tossing it


For not having to use your electric mixer - mixing by hand burns calories


For pleasing your inner "Instant Grat-Brat" (I want cake NOW!)


For being so clever - who else would combine BettyC+banana+micro ?


For using something very healthy and full of antioxidants (reduced Pomegranate Juice)


For…um….just because I said so


Grand Total


For the details on this beauty, head on over to Jaden's Steamy Kitchen. It's just perfect!

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