
Joon - please take a note (because I can't find my notepad)

Ever see Benny & Joon? One of my top 15 movies of all time.

Sam: You don't like raisins?
Joon: Not really.
Sam: Why?
Joon: They used to be fat and juicy and now they're twisted. They had their lives stolen. Well, they taste sweet, but really they're just humiliated grapes. I can't say I am a big supporter of the raisin council.

The month of Joon has begun, and so far, here's what's on the schedule. Here's the reason my new motto is:


Seriously. It's the only way I'll make it to the end of Joon without losing my mind or my keys, or overdrawing my bank account so badly that we have to take out a second mortgage to cover the overdraft fees. Today is Saturday, June 6.

Sunday, June 7: Trinity Sunday, first Sunday of the Month, which means Evensong & Benediction, and the last Sunday of the Sunday School year. I'm planning on getting my barely-readers to draw this, but with symbols instead of words:Wednesday, June 10: final paper for the Lit course, and that means final paper for the year, and that means I've acquired forty credits this year. Feels good.

Friday, June 12: daughter soldier brings things to store from garrison to our house.

Saturday, June 13: taller, curlier young giant home for the summer (we go get him that day)

then ... Mon-Wed, learn the card lady job. Friday, go to the battalion's ceremony because they're deploying on Father's Day. (Doesn't that sound a bit ill advised?) Mon &/or Tues, old card lady shows me the paperwork for the post-Dads&Grads displays, and I take over the job. Wed, haircut and party for PLA students. Friday/Saturday, Earnst&Young gala in Seattle ... and I have jury duty in July.

So here's what I need. I need a waterproof, downloadable, voice activated, engrafted into my body somewhere, notepad. That way, as soon as I think of something I'll be able to take a note or do it. If I don't do either one, the idea (or bank transfer) disappears into oblivion never to be seen or heard from again. Until we get the bank statement.

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