
Here, at Mellow House ...

The watching dog does all her watching lying down most of the time ... nothin's gettin' by her, as you can see. Why, opening a window to take a picture just startles her near to death, I tell ya whut.

And the cat is utterly useless. (Do all cats do this? Mound o' cat. Cat Hill. Blub Magnifico. Fur-bearin' Feline of Foof.)

But here, not even the horses can be bothered to stand up more than they need to. (I didn't quite get the camera in time - a few minutes ago, they were laying down completely and they looked quite expired.) These horses roll and lollop about more than any horses I have ever seen.

Back when I was first becoming familiar with this little town, I laughed to discover dogs that couldn't be bothered to stand up (or even sit up) to bark when people came to the house. But now that I've seen lazy horses, I've seen everything.

1 comment:

Leonie said...

I really enjoy your pics. We live city suburbia so your countryside pics are interesting for us...Let me know if you do go to see Revolutionary Road, and what you think of it!