
Epiphany gifts

Three wise men - magi from the east - whoever they were, they brought presents. Valuable stuff. Gold for kingship, frankincense for priesthood, myrrh for burial.

The Feast of the Epiphany is here again this Tuesday. After twelve days of Christmas comes Epiphanytide, which lasts until Lent. Gold for Christmas, Frankincense for Epiphany, Myrrh for Lent.

Tomorrow I send one son back to school on the train, and wander about to look at various apartments, studio apartments, "efficiency" apartments, and whatever else we can figure out with the other son. Everyone headed back to school, and everyone needs his life back. Train travel son beginning to chafe with his computer and "all his stuff" in his room at school. Apartment-hunting son currently living out of boxes at a friend's house, unable to relax or sleep properly, and desperate for more private arrangements so that he can concentrate on school. Nothing settled down for either of them. And until they are settled, I cannot be. I need the Magi to bring one more box this year. I need the Magi to bring a bit of calm. None of us wants out of our work - we only ask for things to clear up so that we can get on with it. Starlight for the path, wisdom for following it, warnings about the Herodian plotters we might meet along the way, and a safe journey home. That's what I want for Epiphany.


Leonie said...

Oh, Stephanie, I understand that feeling of not being settled until kids are settled, of seeing older kids off and away...And thanks for your reflectipns on my blog, about sharing emotions. For some of us, for me, it is often easier to share impersonally . In writing or blogging...

Stephanie said...

Leonie, this is SUCH a personality thing. For me, writing is essential to mental health and emotional processing. For others, saying things out loud is necessary. Some people have to steep like tea, and some people flare up and are done with it like a flaming dessert! (I think you and I are tea.)