With Good Friday's griefs passed through once more, and Easter and spring (and actual sun!) streaming in, we watched episodes of French Food At Home, and I'm more hooked now than I've been on any cookery or housewif'ry show in ages. Laura Calder is wonderful!
Her shows are currently broadcasting on the Cooking Channel, and her "Top Recipes" (all one hundred and eleven of them) are on their site.
For the first time, I am seriously considering owning a whole set of cookery DVDs. She makes my mouth water.
Laura's a treasure, and I'm so glad that you people in the U.S. are getting to see her (finally!!!!). She has that lovely combination of competence and whimsy that I find very appealing. But oh my, WHERE could I find her DVDs? I didn't know they were available ......
Horrors! Di, you're right! I can't find them anywhere - and - I don't think they exist. Why don't they exist? They should.
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