
Dance with me!

Happy happy happy me.

If you want to get your degree, and you're old - like me - a couple of decades past the conventional college crowd - then enroll at Marylhurst, and earn some PLA credits. You know more than you think you do, and a lot of what you know is taught in a college course somewhere, so write your essay and get the credit for what you know. It's hard work, but it feels grrrreat to get an evaluator's opinion of your expertise in the subject matter.

And then ... if you're a writer - like me - and you haven't had any confidence in your skills or believed the people who told you you were any good - if you soak up compliments about your writing like they were some kind of hyper-potent vitamin C and you've always had a bad case of rickets ... then WRITE for PLA credits! Can there BE anything better on the PLANET than having an evaluator not only recommend credits for your learning but also say, "your excellent examples clearly demonstrate the theory you have used throughout your essay. I enjoyed when and how you have learned about listening skills and found myself smiling as I read your descriptions."

This feels really really good! C'mon! DANCE WITH ME!

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