
Love/Not so much love

This is a continuation of the last post. I'm going over the materials for this course. From the science teacher - my instructor for this one - the person I'm going to have to please with the quality and quantity of my work - that person - from her, this is the last page in the syllabus. It's a paper-grading rubric.

Doing a little bit of laughing, a little bit of cheering and a whole lot of "what have I gotten myself into?" I didn't think instructors like this were still around! Glad I found one ... I think ...

Paper Guidelines

The point totals in parentheses represent points that will be deducted from grade if the paper violates the requirement.

____ Adequate referencing using CSE style

____ Appropriate references (15 pts)

____ ‘Effect’, ‘affect’, and ‘its’ used properly (2 pts each) (“Its” is never possessive)

____ No contractions (2 pts deducted for each contraction)

____ Sentence fragments (2 pts deducted for each)

____ Quotes – quotes not allowed (10 pts deducted for each quote)

____ Plagiarism: Copying sentences or changing only a few words (“0” for paper)

See me if unsure about what constitutes plagiarism.

____ Subject/verb agreement (2 pts each)

____ Proper nouns must be capitalized (2 pts each)

____ Misspelled words (2 pts each)

____ Subheadings (15 pts deducted for no subheadings)

____ Use of slang (2 pts each)

____ Arguments are presented logically and coherently and incorporate the techniques learned

in the argument and research component of the course (20 pts)

____ Quality of writing will be evaluated throughout the papers

It is possible to have more than 100 points deducted from grade; however, no permanent grade lower than ‘0’ will be recorded.

(Oh. Well, that's a relief. I wouldn't want my grade to be below a zero.)
(Quotes are not allowed??? This is going to be like trying to talk without using my hands! For Lit courses, you must use quotes - but not subheadings. For this course I have to avoid quotes and use subheadings.)

1 comment:

Melanie Booth said...

Um, wow! No comment, really, just that.