
Just as an aside ...

There aren't very many topics on which I will speak up every time, will speak about vehemently every time, and if let loose in another age, are issues over which I could easily have become a sort of marching Suffragette, but the breathtaking and horrifying issue of over-managed births in this country (and subsequent unnecessary problems) is one such issue.

So, just as an aside from the usual topics here at this blog, I present the following facts to any and all, and refer you to the BOLD website. We have fallen far, far down into a crevice with rocks and killer ice water at the bottom here in this country since the days of the 60's into the 70's when women first rebelled against Birth As Medical Procedure. We need to rebel again. Now. There is much at stake. Birthing The Future has good resources too. Links to many things. Books, video, stats, websites, movements, community action opportunities ... Follow the links. It's time.

In the United States...

  • 30.2% of all babies are born via cesarean surgery *

  • 41% of mothers get induced

  • 76% of mothers have epidurals

  • 94% of mothers have electronic fetal heart monitoring

  • 85% of mothers are connected to an IV line during labor

  • 25% of mothers have an episiotomy

  • 57% of mothers who give birth vaginally are on
    their backs while giving birth

  • 57% of mothers with a previous cesarean were denied a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean)

  • 15% of mothers were permitted to eat during labor

  • 2% of mothers who received care practices that promote normal birth and are endorsed by Lamaze International

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